Boost Your Power Potential

We offer electrical panel upgrades in Red Bank and Gaston, SC

If you live in an older house, it's a good idea to upgrade your electrical panel. Paul Electric Service can take care of any electrical panel upgrades you need. We'll install a new state-of-the-art electrical panel so your electrical system can handle all of your modern devices and appliances.

You'll know it's time for an electrical panel upgrade when you notice:

  • You have trouble using multiple appliances at once
  • There are burn marks on your old electrical panel
  • You have frequent short circuits and power outages

Reach out to us in Gaston or Red Bank, SC today to request our electrical panel upgrade services.

Install a new electrical panel in your home

When you're ready to replace your electrical panel, just let us know. We can get rid of your old, outdated panel and proceed with your electrical panel installation right away. You'll be able to run your appliances more efficiently once your new panel is in place.

Arrange for an electrical panel installation today in Red Bank or Gaston, SC.